Migrants' Voices from the North

The pilot radio project called "Migrants voices from the North" in partnership with Migrant Supporting Migrants and Commitment in Communities  started broadcasting from 4th April 2011 from North Manchester Radio FM 106.06

The aim of the program is help migrants to integrate into the British life, access to information by participating in local activities and helping to understand the diversity of the country and the city of Manchester and learn about new cultures and languages

So far approximately 25 volunteers have been involved in the project. There are 4 teams:
Spanish team
French team
Chinese team
Polish team

We are looking to expand the project and add Urdu, Arabic, Portuguese and Lithuanian teams very soon.
Until 4th of July the program will be broadcasting from 4 to 5 pm, but from 18th of July we will move the time to 8pm until 9pm on Mondays.

Migrants' voices from the North project

"Migrant's voices from the North" is a pilot project from Migrants Supporting Migrants in partnership with CIC and funded by Oxfam and the Lottery.
